VEXetable Chopper
Entry ID #: 3
Created: Fri, Apr 3, 2009 3:14 PM
My entry for the Product Design Challenge.
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GoFoBroke on 04/13/2009
@pioneer14: uhh, you have to realize that when working with knives and sharp objects, even the slightest mistakes can lead to unhappy times. Meaning that the product should be fool proof, in the sense that it is really hard to hurt yourself with it. This seems completely dangerous... And slightly impractical for non-cucumber shaped veggies.pioneer14 on 04/13/2009
Thanks for all the nice comments. And yes you could cut yourself, if you are being dumb and sticking your hand under the blade. If you are acting with a little bit of caution you will be fine.jfeord14 on 04/11/2009
the thing is that people are voting the good ones down so they don't have competition. it's horrible. what it is going to come down to is whoever gets the most people to give theirs 10/10 and give everyone elses 1/10 something needs to be donejfeord14 on 04/11/2009
i agree the community voting isnt doing what it is supposed to do the judges should have much more powerdluu13 on 04/11/2009
Well, mine somewhat looks cool, so... haha. It's good that the judges will actually consider 2 more robots that are not in the top 8 in community voting. I say this one should get in. It's mostly autonomous and it keeps your hands safe haha.dluu13 on 04/10/2009
I'm surprised you don't have a higher score. Too bad most people go for the funny looking ones like the sweepers.user10086 on 04/10/2009
I honestly thought you would be our closest competition bc is like amazing, no seriously. I dont even have the smallest idea how you did the manual mode. If you aren't voted by the community, the Vex and first engineers will probably pick you, great job bty i built PuP_MateV2