IronMechs ( 99157 ) Organization Website
Entry ID #: 7531
Created: Sat, Jan 11, 2020 10:31 PM
We are VEX Robotics teams located in Haymarket, VA. We have 2 teams - Team 99157A (IronMechs) and 99157B (IronMechs 2.0). Team 99157A is our older team that has been competing for about six years. Team 99157B, our younger team, was added about one year ago. Team 99157A competes in the high school division and Team 99157B competes in the middle school divisions. The IronMechs 2.0 (99157B) diligently worked to produce this website to share with the VEX robotics community on what our club is like. We hope to encourage more students to participate in robotics!
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