Syntechs Robotics
Entry ID #: 7591
Created: Sun, Jan 12, 2020 2:07 AM
The original website launched in early November 2019 as part of our outreach that we wanted to do this season. It has been constantly updated with new photos and statistics since Day 1. After Christmas, we started working on a brand new redesign. After over 36 hours of using the power of HTML, CSS, and Mobirise (a cool unique website builder), we put out v5.0 a week later. The benefit of using the combination of all three is substantial. We chose Mobirise because of it's flexibility of exporting your site to any hosting service. We chose to host on GitHub Pages with a custom domain becuase of its speed, reliability and more importantly: price. It also wasn't that hard to tweak a few blocks of code to make it more personalized and to add a few features that certain blocks were missing. It does work on mobile thanks to the gods that invented the @media query, however it is best to view it on a desktop or hortizontal tablet.
Links / Videos
Take a look at our newly designed website!