242 Robotics Website
Entry ID #: 7707
Created: Sun, Jan 12, 2020 10:25 AM
This site showcases the HGP team, as well as the events we have participated in, and our process. It also serves as a resource to other local teams, and describes some of the opportunities we have had to help other schools/clubs in our area. It was developed entirely by students, using HTML/CSS/PHP/SQL. There is a backend, where team captains can add information in a WYSIWYG type editor that was developed by students. It connects to our back-end database to display up-to-date information in real time. This is a work-in-progress...and probably always will be, as we add new features and update down the line. There is a git repo for version control on the site.
Links / Videos
This link will take you to the main page of the site. This is continually a work-in-progress, so come back for future updates/versions of the site.