Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Spirited Discovery


Entry ID #: 7073
Created: Wed, Jan 8, 2020 6:35 AM

It's no secret that robotics is a high-stress activity, full of educational and social challenges that stretch students into an entire new realm of possibility. Abby, pictured here, is a new member of our team but has thrown herself straight into the competition atmosphere. The picture shows her working on our inner platform hinges, decked out in our noticeable black lipstick and spirit wear held dear to our team. Abby's willingness to learn, fail, and learn again represents the core message of robotics - to teach engineering skills for a brighter future. Even just watching her fix our hinges, a small part of the overall robot, we are easily reminded that nothing would be possible without small individual efforts and collaboration. 


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