Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Providing the tools to inspire the problem solvers of tomorrow. The world faces an unprecedented need for new innovators, thinkers, and problem solving leaders. Our goal is to create engaging, affordable, and powerful solutions that immerse students in STEM through the excitement of building and programming robots.


VEX Photography Online Challenge Sponsored by VEX Robotics

The VEX Photography Online Challenge was introduced in 2015 and received 196 submissions. Since then, this challenge continues to receive the most Online Challenge submissions every season. In this challenge, students submit a photo that best represents what they love about being involved in robotics. The challenge is to upload just one photograph that tells a complete story, focusing on a favorite aspect of VEX IQ Challenge, VRC or VEX U. The chosen photo should convey an emotion, specifically the feeling you experience when you are doing what you love most.


Grade Level Requirements
Elementary School Middle School High School College / University No Grade Level Restrictions
Program Requirements
VEX IQ Robotics Competition VEX V5 Robotics Competition VEX U Robotics Competition


TEN (10) Prizes Awarded:

  • Five prizes will be awarded in VEX IQ - Each of the top five entrants chosen by the judges will receive a $50 gift certificate. 
  • Five prizes will be awarded in VRC/VEX U - Each of the top five entrants chosen by the judges will receive a $50 gift certificate.


  • Entrant grade range: Elementary, middle school, high school, and university students.
  • VEX Robotics Competition team requirement: No team requirement.
  • Previous Online Challenge entries are not eligible for submission.
  • This is an individual competition, not team or school; and only one photo may be submitted per person. One team may have multiple team members submitting; however, only one UNIQUE submission is permitted per individual team member.


Robotics is not all about winning. There are so many awesome aspects of being on a VEX team; from collaborating with teammates on planning and design, to testing trials and tribulations, to celebrating your team’s accomplishments at the end of an event or entire season. Submit a photo that best represents what you love about being involved in robotics. Use photography to tell a complete story with one photograph, focusing on your favorite aspect of VIQC, VRC or VEX U.

These are the minimum requirements for this challenge. The “Judging Information” section below will provide additional guidance on how your project will be judged. Failure to fulfill any of these requirements will result in your entry being disqualified from advancing to Finalist or Winner status. Focus on what you love most about your experience with robotics and compose a photo that captures an emotion or feeling that the viewer can see clearly. This is an individual competition, not team or school.

  • A digital photograph in JPEG (.jpg) format, up to 20MB in size. The photograph needs to be at least 1000 pixels wide in the case of a horizontally-oriented image, or 1000 pixels high for a vertical image. Submissions that are too large or not in JPEG format will not be considered.
  • You must label your photo submission with a title for the file name. Your title should support why you chose this photo.
  • Only one, unique photo may be submitted per person, so pick your best!
  • Upload your photograph directly to this online challenge site during the submission process (20MB maximum file size).

Bonus: You may also include a short statement in English of up to 100 words describing what we see in the photo and explaining your intent to the judges. Note that your photo can still be selected as a Finalist if you choose not to write a statement. 


  • Instructions to upload your photograph:
    • Click the green Enter Challenge button on the right side of the screen.
    • Fill out the submission form and type your text in the Full Description box according to the Requirements for this challenge.
    • Click Save.
    • Click the blue Files/Images button in the upper right of the screen.
    • Drag/Drop your JPEG (.jpg) file into the Upload a File box.
    • Be sure to edit the Display Name and file information according to the Requirements for this challenge.
    • Save your edits and click Update on the entry screen.
    • Your submission is now listed when you click the blue All Entries button to view the challenge entries.
  • If you are also including a short statement in English:
    • Click the blue Entry Information button in the upper right of the screen.
    • Type your text in the Full Description box according to the Requirements for this challenge.
    • Click Update.

Judging Information

The winning submissions will be chosen by the staff of VEX Robotics along with additional design professionals, using the judging criteria. The top five photographs for VIQC and the top five for VRC/VEX U will be recognized online and will receive the prizes listed above.

Technical Rules for the Contest

  • Submit photographs that are un-manipulated and real. We want to see what you see, not the result of photo manipulation software.
  • Do not digitally enhance or alter your photographs beyond the basics of realistic color balance and sharpness. Do not digitally add or remove anything.
  • Make your color saturation realistic. Please avoid significant over- or under-saturation.
  • Do not use the alteration "filters" available in digital photo editing software.
  • Black and white images are acceptable.
  • Cropping is acceptable.


  • Does the photograph tell a compelling story and is it clearly focused on the topic?
  • Does the picture convey an emotion or feeling that can be experienced with robotics?
  • Is the photo technically well done? Does it make effective use of lighting and composition?
  • If a statement was also submitted, does the description (100 words maximum) support the image and mood depicted in the photo? Does it describe the reason this photo was selected for this challenge, and does it add to the story the photo itself is telling? Is the description clear and well written, with proper grammar and sentence structure?  
  • Does the title of the photo support the description and idea or concept presented?

Deadline Information

Current time:
Fri, Feb 7, 2025 11:39 AM CST


Mon, Sep 9, 2019 9:00 AM CDT


Sun, Jan 12, 2020 12:00 PM CST

Voting Ends:

Sun, Jan 19, 2020 12:00 PM CST