Entry ID #: 6757
Created: Sat, Oct 26, 2019 5:06 PM
Team VEX IQ "THE MAGNIFICENT SIX" from RUSSIA welcomes You to the magic "VEX - World", the world of games, creativity and Robotics discoveries!The world of communication! It has been a very exiting journey and we, Team 79279A, can not wait to see what the world brings to us next. VEX IQ has taught us more than how to build a robot and apply engineering skills, it has taught us teamwork and cooperative skills. Here we are in our video promotional online challenge! Hopefully this video will serve to show our STEM work and get the interest of more children. No matter what language we speak, VEX language writes us together. Watch and support us with your "likes"! Thanks in advance! Special thanks Music Queen "Another One Bites The Dust" - Instrumental from channel
youssefkhaoulaj on 01/18/2020
Wonderful, good luckteamfllbm on 01/17/2020
@ sv-nazarenko благодарим за поддержку!!!teamfllbm on 01/17/2020
@Taniya спасибо!!!sv-nazarenko on 01/17/2020
Ребята, успехов вам! Удачи!Taniya on 01/16/2020
Good luck!aleshinanataly on 01/16/2020
Wish you lots of success! ))