1064A Vex promo video
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kristalakirke on 01/16/2020
love this, Good luck :)singirikonda9 on 01/16/2020
Wow.. awesome team work and innovative idea All the best guysMsConnor on 01/16/2020
Great video! Good luck!gnarnationzero on 01/16/2020
Nice vid!andyzimmer05 on 01/16/2020
Sweet VID!gnarnationzero on 01/16/2020
Yoooo! This video is so good I'm so proud of you guysGbcDani on 01/16/2020
This made me want to get back into robotics!ILOVEANDDIMITRI on 01/15/2020
Amazing Video I felt truly inspired to pick up robotics after viewing this team (unfotunately I only have one eye but I can make do) I hope this team gets more votes!DPCRobot on 01/15/2020