Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

A Journey of 7984A (ASIJ VEX Robotics Challenge 2019) - VRC Promote Award Online Challenge


Entry ID #: 7372
Created: Sat, Jan 11, 2020 10:37 AM

7984A is the first time going to Japan for attend ASIJ VEX Robotics Challenge 2019. We are last minute note that we are able to join the competition. We all learning each other team. The most important thing is making friends with Japan team, Taiwan Team, USA Team and China Team. We all enjoy all the matches. Through each match, each challenge. We grow a little stronger, and become a little better. But in the end, we achieved results we never expected to get a Robot Skills Champion. Once agin, thanks for all ASIJ giving this opportunity for us to having a wondering experiences during the matches. Also, being an alliance partner with #Team936B (Hong Kong International School) as a Hong Kong Team get into final stage. Last but not least, having a great final match with #Team901J (American School in Japan) and #Team4253G ( Taipei American School). You guys are good competitors. Our team is looking forward to next year ASIJ VEX Robotics Challenge.


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Links / Videos

This is incredible journey for Team 7984A. We want to record and share one of the competition.