7700Z promote Video
Entry ID #: 7662
Created: Sun, Jan 12, 2020 9:08 AM
Experience STEM, Competition, Engineering, Friendships and FUN with VEX Robotics and team 7700Z.
annparkinson on 01/18/2020
I love this! Wish my kids were in robotics!dttrs on 01/17/2020
Great Job. Informative and Funny.clinton_quan on 01/17/2020
Cool video!Amyamytoo on 01/16/2020
Fantastic job!Liaelder on 01/16/2020
Great job!kmidgley0811 on 01/16/2020
Such a creative video! What a great opportunity for these kids!dannaturman on 01/16/2020
Great stuff!NaomiHans on 01/16/2020
Very informative and inspiring! Great job 7700Z!Flavin on 01/16/2020
The animation is so cute and original!