Girl Powered in Mbaracayu forest
Entry ID #: 7081
Created: Wed, Jan 8, 2020 9:59 AM
These photos show several mixed feelings and moments that I had with robotics the first photo for me means relaxation and or better than it exists, sitting in front of the PC and programming is the most beautiful thing there can be and that I do every day with robotics , learn new things, investigate and delve deeper into the field of science and technology and look for our strategies and solutions to improve various things in everyday life. The second photo means a lot to me, the first competition in which I participated with the team I feel nervous and so many inexplicable feelings because I was a rookie I didn't know anything and it was all very difficult for me, I had my eyes analyzing everything on the court and not I could believe where I was, I tried to concentrate but it was impossible not to know what was happening because I was happy and nervous at the same time. It was the best moment my first Match and we were winning at that moment I realized that robotics was all that is well, it is pure love without a doubt. And the last photo is the one that does not show more happiness we are together showing our robot a group photo dps of having won a match more we were being in the first places and we just ate hamburgers hahaha that was the best and dps the terere next to everything It was perfect, the atmosphere felt so good and for my first competition it was the best and most because I was with my friends, you will compete and that they became my sisters because in our school we study and live since we have an internship system. Arriving in all competitions always looks weird since we are only girls and that day was the best also because when we were at number 1 on the list of points the other teams asked who ECOBOT were and we did so well why we were going well and all the effort we put in was paying off. In short, robotics is the best thing that could happen to me and I love what I do.