Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.



Entry ID #: 6805
Created: Sun, Nov 24, 2019 6:29 AM

When you hear the word “POWER” most of us imagine brave,  fighters, warriors, knights. No one thinksabout girls, their abilities. Female’s destiny is weakness, patience and eager expectation of help.  IN SHORT, GIRLS, STRENGTH IS NOT ABOUT US. Wait, stop. Why most people believe that girls are not able to do what boys are to? We can also fight hardships, create something new, and be experts in various  fields too. Technologies and robotics are very important in modern life. Why wouldn’t girls’ teams show their talents in these directions too? Let’s get acquainted: TEAM 79279A "THE MAGNIFICENT SIX" Private School N1, NOVOROSSIYSK. We are Vika, Anastasia, Polina, Arina Polina and Uliana - 6 girls from RUSSIA.  Robotics united us, we became closer friends, we learned to trust each other and to function as a real team.   NOW WE INTERACT LIKE ONE BIG ORGANISM.  WE WANT TO LEARN,  MEET NEW DIFFICULTIES,  SOLVE THEM, COMPETE AND WIN!     Robotics brings up the most important qualities in us, which are so important for all hobbies.  We have become more confident in our strength! We think that there is nothing impossible for us in the future! So, GO AHEAD GIRLS!!!  NO ONE CAN THINK THAT GIRLS ARE NOT ABLE TO MAKE ROBOTS!  GIRLS, POWER IS IN OUR HEARTS!  

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   teamfllbm on 01/17/2020

@[email protected] благодарим Анапу за поддержку и пожелания!!!

   teamfllbm on 01/17/2020

@sv-nazarenko спасибо большое за Вашу поддержку! Мы ценим наше сотрудничество и дружбу!!!

   teamfllbm on 01/17/2020

@Taniya thanks!

   gdetutmob on 01/17/2020

Удачи всем девчонкам. Желаем уверенной победы. Болеем за вас из соседнего города Анапа!

   sv-nazarenko on 01/17/2020

Какие же вы умницы! От души желаю вам победы! Удачи!!!

   o.tofadze on 01/16/2020

you are best! I wish you a confident victory!

   Taniya on 01/16/2020

Удачи, девчонки!!!

   Taniya on 01/16/2020

Wish you lots of success! You deserve all the luck in the world.

   teamfllbm on 01/16/2020

[email protected] Thank you ever so much!

   teamfllbm on 01/16/2020

[email protected] Thank you!!! Let's hope your wishes come true.

   aleshinanataly on 01/16/2020

Believe in yourself and good things will happen to you. <3

   natochka.pavlova on 01/15/2020

Good Luck!

   teamfllbm on 01/14/2020

Thanks for comment and feedback 52666A! :-)

   rieng007 on 12/29/2019

This is amazing! Great Job you guys! <3-52666A