Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

The 90-Degree Standoff


Entry ID #: 7610
Created: Sun, Jan 12, 2020 3:42 AM

     The 90-degree standoff was created to connect structural elements together that are perpendicular to each other. The angle gussets are uniformly restrictive, whereas a 90-degree standoff could potentially be produced in different lengths, making them much more versatile. By uniformly restrictive, we mean to say that angle gussets can often impede screws as they are used in plates underneath the gussets. The new part would be used like a regular, straight standoff, but at a ninety-degree angle. For example, the new standoff could be used to attach other C-Channels to the base. This allows more room for a lift or intake to be added. In order to model this part, we first found the measurements of the standoff and took them to Autodesk Inventor Professional 2019. While in Inventor, we drew a hexagon using the polygon toolset to six sides. Repeating the last step, we then drew another hexagon at a 90-degree angle to the first one. After, we then extruded them so that the two hexagons connected, forming the frame for the standoff. The next step involved putting a hole in the center of the hexagons and threading them. Finally, we liberally used chamfers and fillets to make the 90-degree joint look more natural.      The entire purpose of the Make It Real Challenge is to showcase creativity and apply design skills to real-world issues. As we were brainstorming and forming ideas for parts, our team was able to learn a lot about the importance of the design process when making something innovative. Initially, when we began crafting a model, we jumped right in. Without much forethought, we sat down with the software and started drawing shapes and extruding them. However, we quickly learned there were many factors that we had to take into account when designing this part and ruling out others; using a decision matrix, we discussed constraints on the part such as whether it could be modeled on Inventor, and how detailed we could be with the part before getting too far out of our element. Finally, we were able to conclude on a design and then sketch as well as model the part. Without the design process, we would not have been nearly as effective as possible. This challenge has only served to help us learn about the design process and how to use it effectively to achieve our goals.


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