6083A 3D Piece Entry
Entry ID #: 7090
Created: Wed, Jan 8, 2020 11:45 AM
Identify why you created the part – what functionality are you improving or what issue are you solving? I decided to create this part to avoid needing to build an arm and/or tower for a robot. This wheel solves the problem of needing to build and extending attachment for a robot. Instead of having an extending attachment for a robot, that could always break or malfunction, this wheel lifts and drops the robot whenever the driver commands. Explanation of how the new part would be used and how it fits into a complete robot design. This new part would be used as a wheel and would be used mostly in robots that don’t have arms, towers, or other extending attachments. Explanation of how you used Fusion 360, Inventor and/or Tinkercad to create your new part AND clearly state the version of software you used. For this project, I used Tinkercad. I downloaded a normal wheel and edited it until it looked how I wanted it to. I added some shapes in the middle of the wheel, split it in half, connected it, and added a connector pin at the top. What did you learn from this project? Will you use 3D design software in the future? If so, what for? How does this software help you if you are on a competitive robotics team? Will learning 3D design software help you in your career path? If so, how? I learned that 3D models can be very useful. I probably will use it in the future to make models of rocket parts. This software can be useful on a robotics team to design pieces. Learning 3D design will help me to make models of parts that are too big and expensive to make in real life.