Entry ID #: 7121
Created: Thu, Jan 9, 2020 6:44 AM
OUR IDEA IS: As part of the robotics team we would love to get pins to decorate our robots in our own customizable way, this would allow us to make each robot different not only in model wise but also a decorative way. We first started by measuring one of your vex pieces for size so my piece would end up fitting on the robots. Unfortunately we did not get the size correct for a while luckily once we did get it we 3d printed it but after that piece broke so we 3d printed it again and that piece still hasn't broken yet. We used that piece to experiment to make other pins by adding letters on them and hopefully more to come. We learned a few things during this project, we learned how to participate in a group,how to work have patience with each other even on bad terms and open our minds to more creative ways. The way that this software could be helpful is by making the robots more unique with pieces that we make. We think this is the first step to inspire students with engineering and software.