333A - 2021 Annotated Programming Skills Online Challenge
Entry ID #: 8013
Created: Wed, Oct 28, 2020 4:07 PM
This is team 333A's (The 7 Dorks) submission for the Annotated Programming Skills Challenge. Beacause we are not able to compete at in-person competitions, we have devoted our time to this project to progress our team's ability and knowlege. We score 106 points in 43 seconds in our uncut run, which can be found on Youtube, here. We use Purdue's PROS to program our robot, and every PROS project has some files for running PROS and giving access to included libraries. A PDF without these files, formatted for the best reading experience can be found in the "Files / Images" section of our submission, here. (Formatted by hard-copy from _Colossus on Vex Forum, here) If you prefer, the full source code of the robot can be found on GitHub, here. We recomend starting with the README.md file. In addition to the code, there are a few photos of the screen of the brain showing the DisplayControl class in the GitHub repository and included with the submission. Thank you for your consideration, The 7 Dorks
on 10/29/2020