Ratcheting Sprocket
Entry ID #: 7990
Created: Sat, Oct 24, 2020 3:22 PM
My final report is a PDF document. I am not sure it went through, so I will also leave a copy of the report here. This is not my final submission, as my final one is uploaded directly. I am in the VRC High School Division. https://pdfhost.io/v/fQwYtOzwh_Final_Reportpdf.pdf Ratchets are an important part of robotics: they allow you to have multiple mechanisms run by a single motor. This has become increasingly important over the years with a smaller motor limit of eight being implemented. What I set out to do was to create an easy-to-implement ratchet for teams to use on their robot. I did this by combining a ratchet with an already well-used part: the sprocket. The sprocket is used commonly to link two different mechanisms together, which is also a ratchet's most common use: to share two mechanisms to the same motor. My new part will allow teams to easily and effectively implement a ratchet into their robot.
on 12/10/2020
on 12/10/2020
on 12/09/2020