VEX V5 Battery Shell
Entry ID #: 8477
Created: Sun, Dec 6, 2020 1:58 PM
Many people on our team have had bad experiences with the VEX V5 battery clips. For instance, fingers can get pinched in between the battery and the clip, the battery can also often get jammed in the clip, and the battery clip can break or become loose. To improve this, we are redesigning the battery clip to a battery shell with screws to connect the shell to the robot. This way the battery is easier to put on the robot and there is less risk of getting hurt. Our VEX V5 battery shell is designed to be used very easily. It will be part of the robot. Simply insert the screws into the shell and screw them into the robot. Afterwards, you can easily slip in the battery and hear a satisfying click. That click means that the battery is secure. Because our shell is a box, it prevents the battery from falling out as well.