Girl Powered: Changing it Up, One Girl At a Time
Entry ID #: 9233
Created: Wed, Dec 9, 2020 9:05 PM
This is what "Girl Powered" means to team 5327Z. Entrants: Karen Zhao, Chelsea Lee, Angela Chao, Paulette Peram, Jeia So, Dylan Wang, Jacob Sommer, Samuel Wu, Andres Silvera Team Number: 5327Z Title of Submission: "Girl Powered: Changing it Up, One Girl At a Time" Word Count: 1436
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2902gandhiparam on 12/15/2020
neatJENNA X. on 12/10/2020
cool, very amazingIRVIN on 12/10/2020
Woah, better artists than me :0 Go team!!Paul Z on 12/10/2020
haha nice punsOlivia Silva on 12/10/2020
Inspiring. My favorite part is the little drawings of the individual members :)5327S on 12/10/2020
Very cool! Love the aesthetic finish and amazing content.Jaden Hernandez on 12/10/2020
Very powerful entry. Go 5327Z!