36637A - IEEE Suez Region E IRHS
Entry ID #: 9110
Created: Tue, Dec 8, 2020 11:30 AM
IEEE Suez Region E IRHS created entered the International Robotics Honors Society Service Award Challenge Sponsored by The REC Foundation to show our projects, programs, training, and participation. This year, we had a great season working with robots and impacting our community. Our work was based on: 1- Equipping youth and pre-college students with the skills needed to excel in the industrial fields. 2. Working to provide them with the technical skills which are necessary to prepare an innovative generation. 3. Advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. 4. Gathering pre-college students to learn robots and network. 5. Raising awareness about STEM, Engineering, Robotics, Electronics, Artificial Intelligence, Scientific Research, and Entrepreneurship.
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on 12/11/2020
on 12/11/2020
on 12/11/2020
on 12/10/2020