Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

VEX Electronics Online Challenge Entry


Entry ID #: 8748
Created: Mon, Dec 7, 2020 7:26 PM

We are the newest members of Team 5156A from York High School.  Meeting completely virtually over Zoom, we each deconstructed a broken V5 smart motor and collaborated on our findings through Google docs.   We are all freshmen and the newest members of Team 5156A (York High School). We met over Zoom and took apart a (broken) V5 motor to get a better understanding of how the motor worked. We're new to the team so didn't have much knowledge of how the robot(s) worked, but by exploring how this motor worked (by destructing it), we bettered our understandings. We shared all of our discoveries through a Google Document.

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