Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

4154Z Jelly Comb wireless 2.3 GHz mouse Deconstruct


Entry ID #: 8393
Created: Fri, Dec 4, 2020 2:43 PM

I selected a Jelly Comb wireless 2.3 GHz mouse to deconstruct because many of us use a mouse every day to navigate the internet, join zoom meetings, and submit assignments, but we hardly think anything of it. The mouse allows us to insert ourselves into the computer and control what it does by just moving our wrists and clicking a few buttons. A wireless mouse, specifically, allows us to do all of this via the mouse and receiver in the computer communicating over a specific radio frequency. And the mouse does all of this by taking thousands of photos a second, analyzing those photos, and then determining the change in those photos in order to create an input for the computer to interpret. That is incredible to me, and the reason why I chose a wireless mouse for this challenge.

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