Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Seagate Barracuda 500 GB 3.5 Internal Hard Drive


Entry ID #: 8590
Created: Mon, Dec 7, 2020 12:38 PM

We are The Pandemicorn Quaranteam from Winneconne VEX Robotics Club.  While this is our first year entering this online challenge, many of our team members have been in VEX Robotics for 3-5 years.  This online challenge offered our team the opportunity to work on something virtually when our team couldn't meet in person.  We chose a simple Hard Drive to deconstruct because they were readily available from our VEX Advisor, who is an IT consultant.  He was able to get 4 identical drives for us to work with, so we could work together over ZOOM to deconstruct and work on our submission and presentation.  We look forward to sharing this document and our deconstruction video with our schools tech advisor and other students within the technology program.   Team Members: Gabby Hostettler, Hailey Erickson, Ivy Kely, Jenna Immel.  

Links / Videos

This is a supplemental video we made that shows the actual process of deconstruction with some verbal explanation. The link is also found within the pdf presentation.