Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

How Now Robotic Cow


Entry ID #: 239
Created: Sun, Feb 13, 2011 6:15 PM

This cow game was designed to be used as a fundraiser at VEX events. We thought this would be an entertaining way to pass the time while the judges finished their deliberations. Contestants select a letter or number chip. The field is divided into 36 squares. The contestants that hold the letter or number matching the location where the cow randomly deposits tootsie rolls win a prize.

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   blamb on 02/24/2011

I think you mean "moola" :)

   jfeord14 on 02/15/2011

very cool, I love the fundraiser idea!

   adpuetz13 on 02/14/2011

i love cows, but it seems just like a cow with wheels, that drops tootsie rolls