Bear Bot
Entry ID #: 243
Created: Sun, Feb 13, 2011 10:52 PM
Team 4542 (Ursa Major)’s robot built for the 2011 Future Foundation Design Challenge is called Bear_Bot. It entertains and amuses by performing tasks such as dancing and playing the piano. It can also mimic the arm movements of a user who is holding the VexNet joystick. BearBot is a humanoid with a holonomic drive base in place of legs. It has full range of motion in both arms and two planes of motion in its head. It can bend at the waist, and strafe or turn in any direction. Bear_Bot is powered by 8 servos and 5 motors. There are 4 servos on each arm and 2 servos on the head. There is one motor on each of the 4 wheels of the holonomic drive, and there is one high strength motor used to control the waist. Since this is too many motors for one cortex to handle, a modified a PWM wire was used to interface two cortexes and make them work together.
Links / Videos
on 02/14/2011
on 02/13/2011
on 02/13/2011