Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Let's Give Back to The Future


Entry ID #: 9294
Created: Sat, Dec 12, 2020 10:31 AM

We are 2602B from Hopkinton High School! Here is our submission for the Community Award! Statement of Intent This year, many negative situations occurred, but there were also some positive events too. We wanted to contribute to the positives.  As a team, we decided to help as many as possible. Using the skills we had gained from robotics, we worked on projects benefiting three groups of people.    Entrants: Tanisha Rajgor, Gurleen Kaur, Hemankit Vallurupalli, Sidhi Dhanda, Kenneth Wan, Cindy Yang, Emily Kimball Title of Submission: Let's Give Back To THe Future


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Links / Videos

Hello all! Hope you enjoy our video!


   arshia.a on 01/08/2021

I had so much fun making chatbots, exploring AI, and Game Design in Girls Who Code! : ) We already had so many limited opportunities due to the pandemic, so all the virtual events were a lot of fun!

   jenh00845 on 01/07/2021

I loved your video! This is so good, and totally deserves to win!

   riya.manthena on 01/07/2021

Looks awesome! Hope you win!

   mochimin443 on 01/07/2021

It's so important to continue to offer opportunities especially for our youth, COVID or not. Also, love the space theme! :0 Goooooo 2602B!

   chimmychimmy70 on 01/07/2021

Thank you for all of the work you’ve been doing to help so many different groups of people during the pandemic! Way to go!

   narayani.rajesh on 01/05/2021

Good luck on 01/05/2021

Very nice !! Best wishes !!

   VandanaJani on 01/05/2021


   dipeshpbhatt on 01/05/2021

Great Proud for all of u

   emailsukhmanikaur on 01/05/2021

Wow guys! Nice job. This looks very impressive