Team 25400C Encore Online Challenge 2021: VRC High School VEX Worlds
Dwight 25400C
Entry ID #: 9520
Created: Sun, Mar 14, 2021 1:02 AM
Hello, we are team 25400C from Seoul, South Korea. Our team members include Young Ju Choi (captain, qualified to the 2020 VEX Fantasy world championship), Anthony Sungjoon Kwon(qualified), Kevin Jungwoo Han(qualified), and Ian Song (new member). We won the VEX Robotics Korea National Championships in back-to-back years, advancing to the World Championships. Last season, we won the Vex Robotics Skills National Championships with a remarkable 182 points (driver: 112, auto: 70), corresponding to 12th place in the world. In particular, our programming skills score was top 3 in the world! Our team is not only a world-class team that always achieves a top 15 skills score in the World Skills Ranking: we are also a pioneer that helps other students pursue their passions in robotics. I(YoungJu Choi) have founded the Robotics Team at school from the ground up in 9th grade, mediated a MOU between our school and VEX Korea(Eastjin), and even added VEX Robotics as an official Varsity sport in KAIAC, the conference for 17 international schools in Korea. We believe we have learned so many lessons such as teamwork, collaboration and friendship from VEX, and we really hope our 1000+ hours of efforts from the 2019-2020 season helps us earn the opportunity to learn even more by participating in the first-ever Remote World Championships in 2021!
Dwight 25400C
on 03/18/2021