Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

team 319k encore challenge entry

Entry ID #: 9456
Created: Thu, Feb 25, 2021 11:42 PM

we are team 319k and with one of our team mates, Dylan who was on 319k last year as a middleschool team qualified for virtual worlds and even made it to semi finals after wining the insight division. now this year we have added our top programmer from last year, nathaniel. and a new team mate to help with inperson building and auton, landon. we have been working hard and if we dont qualify at our state competition due to very hard competition like 315k, 315r and others. we think that we should qualify for worlds based off of our performance this year in the normal competition season. we have been to 2 inperson competitions, winning both and placing first seed at one. we definetly think that we are still a finalists quality team.