How to Build, Program, and Perfect your Autonomous Robot with Sensors
Entry ID #: 9814
Created: Mon, May 31, 2021 3:40 AM
"I sense, therefore I am!". Add sensors to make your robot alive! This video introduces you to different types of sensors that are absolutely essential for autonomous control of your VEX robot in the game field. Learn why sensors make your auton runs more consistent and compare inertial sensors, optical shaftencoders, and rotational sensors to pick what suits your robot and game auton strategy. Learn how to build your sensors into your robot, how to program them for odometry, and about key takeaways from our team's experience with sensors. Brought to you by Team 938A that was placed World #2 for LRS and won triple titles in Washington state with Excellence Award, Tournament Champion, and Robot Skills Champion in VEX VRC 2020-2021 season.
Links / Videos
"I sense, therefore I am!". Add sensors to make your robot alive! This video introduces you to different types of sensors that are absolutely essential for autonomous control of your VEX robot in the game field. Learn why sensors make your auton runs more consistent and compare inertial sensors, optical shaftencoders, and rotational sensors to pick what suits your robot and game auton strategy. Learn how to build your sensors into your robot, how to program them for odometry, and about key takeaways from our team's experience with sensors. Brought to you by Team 938A that was placed World #2 for LRS and won triple titles in Washington state with Excellence Award, Tournament Champion, and Robot Skills Champion in VEX VRC 2020-2021 season.