EMC Robotics Team/Club Website Challenge
EMC Corporation is the world's leading developer and provider of information infrastructure technology and solutions that enable organizations of all sizes to transform the way they compete and create value from their information. EMC is proud to support programs that engage students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. As a sponsor of the 2011 Online Design Challenge, EMC is interested to see how you present information about your school or club to the world. Design and build a Website that promotes your entire robotics program - your VRC team(s) and any other robotics programs you participate in, your outreach activities, how to join, what you have done, who you are, where you are, and what you plan to do in the future. In short, build a Website that tells the world how great youth robotics is, and how special your program is.
- 1st: 2011 EMC Robotics Team/Club Website Challenge Award, $750 vexrobotics.com gift certificate, automatic qualification for the 2011 VRC World Championship for one team (if part of a registered VRC team)
- 2nd: $500 vexrobotics.com gift certificate
- 3rd: $250 vexrobotics.com gift certificate
- The school or other organization submitting the Website must have at least one team entered in the 2010-2011 VEX Robotics Competition season (one website entry per school/organization).
- The Website must have been designed and programmed by students in your VRC robotics program.
- The Website must be visible to the general public via a URL.
- The Website should have a unified design with a consistent look and feel throughout.
- Websites may use Flash and/or Silverlight, and must work on Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari browsers. No other plug-in may be required to view the site.
- Your Website should include what you have done in the past, what you are working on now, and what your plans are for the future. Cover whatever is most important to your program: starting new teams, bringing in new programs, increasing membership, building new robots, working on non-robot projects, mentoring other students, and serving your community. There is no fixed list, but you should give the viewer a clear picture of where you are and where you are going as a program.
- Feel free to include videos, photos, animations or any other technique that tell your story.
- Provide recognition for your sponsors, teachers, mentors, and schools. You are encouraged to promote all the STEM activities in which your robotics program participates (VEX, BEST, Botball, FIRST, TSA, PLTW, SKILLS USA, SKILLS Canada, underwater robotics, workshops, camps, math competitions, bridge building, solar-powered cars, etc.)
- Do not infringe copyrights.
- The Website may not include any material not suitable for a child, and may not promote violence or law breaking.
- 35 Points: Content: How well does the Website tell your program's story? Does it provide useful information for outsiders wanting to learn about your program? Does it encourage other students to participate in their own programs and/or join yours?
- 35 Points: Is the site either custom-developed or, if using a content management system, highly customized for the team? Does the site have unique features or is it just a stock template? Is the Website attractive and easy to navigate and does it have a unified design? Does the Website have a clear, easy-to-use layout, good structure, and consistent use of colors, menus, and imagery? There is no deduction for using tools such as a content management system, but the developer should customize it for their school/club.
- 15 Points: Does the Website contain up-to-date information? The site should not be "stale."
- 15 Points: Does the Website recognize the contribution of sponsors, teachers, mentors, and others?
Deadline Information
Current time:
Sun, Sep 8, 2024 5:00 PM CDT
Mon, Nov 1, 2010 12:01 AM CDT
Sun, Feb 13, 2011 11:59 PM CST
Voting Ends:
Tue, Mar 1, 2011 12:00 AM CST