Creating bilingual online educational resources for new VEX VRC teams
Skywalker Robotics
Entry ID #: 10856
Created: Tue, Jan 18, 2022 9:50 PM
This season, on top of previous in person or online helping out other new teams during 2018-2021, our focus was to create a website with our team history, our own educational videos and useful resources. These videos will be bi-lingual friendly as we found that Chinese robotics resources are hard to find compared to English ones. Hopefully, our efforts will continuously helping out new VRC teams in a wider community as the feedback from previous mentoring from our New Zealand top VEX alumni.
Links / Videos
Title: Creating bilingual online educational resources for new VEX VRC teams Members: Henry Chen, Amy Chen, Wilson Chang, Kane Wang, Max Yu Team Number: 980S Location: Taichung, Taiwan Website: Or google site This season we wanted to create a website and organize everything we have learnt and done throughout the past seasons. In our website, we have our team history as well as our series of education videos and useful resources. I believe that these resources can help teams across the world especially the new teams coming into vex. We have a cross cultural background between New Zealand and Taiwan from 2015 to 2022, this allowed us to observe the differences between the two regions. We observed that some Taiwan teams are weaker in the structural design and cading skills, and some NZ teams are weaker in the programming parts. Therefore, we decided to make these educational videos covering basic structural building concepts, PROS programming, and cading Autodesk Inventor. We will have bilingual videos for both the Chinese and English speaking communities since there is way less open robotics resources in Chinese. Hopefully, our efforts will help more new teams in both communities as the feedback to those who ever helped us throughout the robotic journey. For us, this is still an ongoing project and we plan to make a series tutorial videos by the end of this year. By Captain Henry Chen