Team 1138's Vex Robotics Essay
Entry ID #: 322
Created: Thu, Feb 10, 2011 6:28 PM
Everyone begins either sports or clubs or any other team thinking that they are doing it for the sole purpose of them liking it. When I had first begun, I had no idea that I was going to like it or even stick with the program. Once I began to pick up the VEX parts and began building, a surge of energy went coursing through me, the feeling of interest and certainty. It’s also a great way to meet new people whether it’s students, teachers, or even professors from around the world. When people ask me why I am on the team, I tell them that it is fun, challenging, and most importantly a “bridge” to future engineering jobs. While very true brainstorming and actually building a robot to overcome the game challenges is much fun, many people don’t understand that they are gaining the necessary concepts of engineering. On account of my enthusiasm for the combination from nuts and bolts to small electronics, I was attracted and interested in the VEX Robotics class and club, which will further extend my knowledge to what I enjoy. Having been with VEX, I have discovered new interests, new possibilities, and new jobs. Through all the times building, the summers spent doing robotics, the places we went, the competitions we have been a part of, and the hours out of my year that have been spent at the meetings, I have found what I want to do for the rest of my life.
Our Team's Vex Essay.