VRC High School - “Make It Real” CAD Engineering Online Challenge Sponsored by Autodesk

Autodesk is dedicated to preparing the next generation of tinkerers, makers, designers, and engineers to lead in the future of work. Their technologies allow students to turn ideas and innovations into reality. Have you ever wanted to design and make a new part for a robot that improves its functionality or overcomes an existing problem? Entries for this challenge will use Autodesk 3D design software to conceptualize and model a new robot component.
Choose a robot (VEX, FIRST, BEST, or any other robot you like that performs an interesting task), and design a new part for it that adds new functionality and solves a real-world design issue. To help you succeed, access to Autodesk® Fusion 360™, Autodesk® Inventor®, or Tinkercad™ is available at no charge to students. All are easy to learn through lessons and videos available in the Autodesk Design Academy. Note that parts you create in this challenge may be used in the VEX U competition, but not in VRC.
Elementary School | Middle School | High School | College / University | No Grade Level Restrictions |
VEX V5 Robotics Competition |
1st: $500 VEX Robotics gift certificate and automatic team qualification for this season's VEX Robotics World Championship
4 Finalists: $100 VEX Robotics gift certificate
Finalists and winners will be selected at each of the following programs and grade ranges, for a total of three (3) prize packages:
VRC Middle School
VRC High School
Teams must be part of a registered VRC, or VEX U team for the current season.
This page is for VRC High School enteries only -if you are any other program or grade level, please refer to the Online Challenge Page to find the correct page for your program and grade level.
Only one entry per team is permitted. However, each team in a multi-team school or club program may submit one entry. For example, teams 123A and 123B could each submit an entry, but team 123A could not submit two entries. Entries must vary in content and presentation to be considered separate entries.
Entries submitted in previous years’ Online Challenges are not eligible for submission this year.
Rules of the ChallengeDesign and create a new robot component! In this challenge, you will use the same Autodesk 3D design software used by professionals to conceptualize and model a new part for a robot that improves its functionality or overcomes an existing problem. The new part must be designed to fit an existing robot and may consist of multiple pieces that form one part design. The robot may be a competition robot (VEX, FIRST, BEST, PLTW, SkillsUSA, TSA, etc.) or another robot that performs an interesting task. Note that a 3D printed part created for this online challenge may be used in the VEX U competition, but not in VRC. To help you succeed, access to Autodesk software is available at no charge to students. You must use either Autodesk® Fusion 360™, Autodesk® Inventor®, or Tinkercad™ to model your custom robot part. Whether you’ve used the software before or are brand new to CAD, the Autodesk Design Academy provides lessons and video tutorials for all skill levels. The future is yours to design, and we can’t wait to see how you change the world! Things to keep in mind for a successful submission:
Technical DetailsA submission must meet these minimum requirements in order to be judged.
Upload Instructions
Judging Information
Up to 15 points for design of a new component that improves the functionality of a robot and solves an existing issue
Up to 15 points for a design that is efficient, simple, and elegant
Up to 15 points for design work that shows proficiency using Fusion, Inventor, or Tinkercad
Up to 15 points for clear identification of the software version used, and description of the features used during design
Up to 15 points for a conclusion that describes what was learned during the project, and how that learning will be helpful in the future
Up to 15 points for the quality and detail of the CAD dataset and/or 3D printing files
Up to 15 points for the quality and readability of the writing, including spelling, grammar, and sentence structure
Up to 15 points for the quality and thoroughness of images used to document the project
Deadline Information
Current time:
Tue, Feb 11, 2025 3:35 PM CST
Fri, Oct 15, 2021 6:00 AM CDT
Tue, Jan 18, 2022 11:59 PM CST