Growing Up with Vex
Entry ID #: 463
Created: Tue, Jan 10, 2012 10:04 PM
Submited on behalf of Melody D.S. Buca The Club meets every Friday, 4pm to 7pm, September through May. Our two VEX neighborhood teams have fun working on STEM challenges. Team 2113 and team 2113A consist of middle and high schoolers. We attend private, city and home schools spanning urban and rural areas in Ohio. In 2011 was Team 2113’s Rookie year. We played in the MidAtlantic Regional and had to brave some challenging weather, arriving safely we experienced the beauty of Maryland. We might have never seen Maryland but for VEX. We competed in a new agriculture center and felt at home making new friends. Our goal was to have fun, and before we knew it the judges called us on stage, for the Excellence Award! We visited Hershey, PA on the way home and it was hard to leave the chocolate. Planning for the VEX World Championships at Disney began as soon as we arrived home. It was wonderful to think our next competition would be with people from all over the world in sunny Orlando, Florida . For the 2012 season, we will have two teams playing in three regional's. Our goal is the VEX World Championships. We learned so much last year, we would like to share the world championship experience with new team members. VEX not only gives us knowledge to build great robots, it gives us the platform to build a great team. Thank you, VEX, for being excellent leaders for us to follow. Melody DS Buca, Hathaway Brown School, 13 years old, 7th grade.
The Club meets every Friday, 4pm to 7pm, September through May. Our two VEX neighborhood teams have fun working on STEM challenges. Team 2113 and team 2113A consist of middle and high schoolers. We attend private, city and home schools spanning urban and rural areas in Ohio. In 2011 was Team 2113’s Rookie year. We played in the MidAtlantic Regional and had to brave some challenging weather, arriving safely we experienced the beauty of Maryland. We might have never seen Maryland but for VEX. We competed in a new agriculture center and felt at home making new friends. Our goal was to have fun, and before we knew it the judges called us on stage, for the Excellence Award! We visited Hershey, PA on the way home and it was hard to leave the chocolate. Planning for the VEX World Championships at Disney began as soon as we arrived home. It was wonderful to think our next competition would be with people from all over the world in sunny Orlando, Florida . For the 2012 season, we will have two teams playing in three regional's. Our goal is the VEX World Championships. We learned so much last year, we would like to share the world championship experience with new team members. VEX not only gives us knowledge to build great robots, it gives us the platform to build a great team. Thank you, VEX, for being excellent leaders for us to follow. Melody DS Buca, Hathaway Brown School, 13 years old, 7th grade.