Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

VRC High School - Theme It Up! Online Challenge

Each year, new VEX Robotics competition games are unveiled at the VEX Robotics World Championships. Game videos are simultaneously released, in which the basic game rules are explained and game objects and scoring are defined. For many teams this is the highlight of the entire season! There is one thing the game leaves to your imagination… a theme. Entries for this online challenge will create and present a theme that ties the current game’s objects, scoring, and rules into an engaging and creative story.

Use your imagination to turn the current game (Pitching In for VEX IQ teams, and Tipping point for VRC & VEX U teams) into an immersive world where one team works against another, or against some obstacle. Tell us what the teams are trying to accomplish, who they are, and how the game objects tie into the narrative. Game and field objects should have names and purposes that relate to your theme, and play roles in the outcome of the story.


Grade Level Requirements
Elementary School Middle School High School College / University No Grade Level Restrictions
Program Requirements
VEX V5 Robotics Competition


1st: $500 VEX Robotics gift certificate and automatic team qualification for this season's VEX Robotics World Championship

4 Finalists: $100 VEX Robotics gift certificate

Finalists and winners will be selected at each of the following programs and grade ranges, for a total of five (5) prize packages:

  • VIQC Elementary School

  • VIQC Middle School

  • VRC Middle School

  • VRC High School

  • VEX U


Teams must be part of a registered VEX IQ, VRC or VEX U team for the current season.

  • This page is for VRC High School enteries only - if you are any other program or grade level, please refer to the Online Challenge Page to find the correct page for your program and grade level.

  • Only one entry per team is permitted. However, each team in a multi-team school or club program may submit one entry. For example, teams 123A and 123B could each submit an entry, but team 123A could not submit two entries. Entries must vary in content and presentation to be considered separate entries. 

  • Entries submitted in previous years’ Online Challenges are not eligible for submission this year.


Rules of the Challenge

Give your game a story or theme. Create a report and video that use the current (Pitching In for VEX IQ teams, and Tipping point for VRC & VEX U) game definitions, objects, and scoring to tell an engaging story. Your theme must use the rules included in the current Game Manual. Your submission will consist of a theme “unveil” video and a PDF file that includes a storyboard, images, and text.

Things to keep in mind for a successful submission:

  • What are the robots trying to accomplish within the story of your theme?

  • What do the game & field objects represent, and how do they tie to your theme?

  • What does a victory represent in your theme?

  • Your video should introduce the game along with your theme, and should include a combination of narration and visuals that describe basic rules and interactions

  • Your PDF should include a storyboard; descriptive text about how your theme connects game & field objects, rules, and on-field interactions; and sketches, drawings, or photos of a game field transformed to include theme-based elements

Technical Details

A submission must meet these minimum requirements in order to be judged.

  1. Video and PDF are created and produced solely by student team members. It is acceptable for adults to assist with downloading any necessary resources or submitting the story where students may need permission.

  2. Format: 

    • One link to a video file posted on YouTube, SchoolTube, Youku, or equivalent video-streaming platform. Links to Google Drive, Dropbox, or other storage locations are not acceptable.

    • One PDF file (up to 20MB).

  3. Size:

  4. Credits:  Each video and PDF must include

    • Title of submission

    • Names of students who participated (using first names only is acceptable)

    • Team number 

    • Location of team

  5. Music must be in the public domain.

  6. Theme, names, and descriptions must be appropriate for all ages.

Upload Instructions

Video Upload Instructions

  • Click the green Enter Challenge button on the right side of the screen.
  • Fill out the submission form and type a brief description of your challenge entry in the Full Description box.

  • Click Save.

  • Click the blue Links/Videos button in the upper right of the screen.

  • Enter the URL, title, and description of your video.

  • Click Add Link.

  • Click the blue All Entries button to confirm that your submission is visible.

PDF Upload Instructions

  • Click the green Enter Challenge button on the right side of the screen.
  • Fill out the submission form and type a brief description of your challenge entry in the Full Description box.

  • Click Save.

  • Click the blue Files/Images button in the upper right of the screen.

  • Drag/drop your PDF file into the Upload a File box.

  • Edit the Display Name and file information to include your entry name and team number.

  • Save your edits and click Update on the entry screen.

  • Click the blue All Entries button to confirm that your submission is visible.


Judging Information

  • Up to 15 points for a well-structured video that uses clear narration and visuals to introduce the game and overall theme

  • Up to 15 points for a video that identifies key rules, objects, and interactions

  • Up to 15 points for a PDF that includes a storyboard portraying the action in the video

  • Up to 15 points for a PDF that includes:

    • Visuals that present a game field transformed to include theme-based elements

    • Text that introduces the theme, provides names for game and field objects, and explains the objectives of the robots

  • Up to 15 points for the quality and readability of the prose and writing, including spelling, grammar, and sentence structure

  • Up to 15 points for a creative final product that is enjoyable to read and watch, well designed, and engaging

Deadline Information

Current time:
Tue, Feb 11, 2025 3:22 PM CST


Fri, Oct 15, 2021 6:00 AM CDT


Tue, Jan 18, 2022 11:59 PM CST