VRC High School - Theme It Up! Online Challenge
Each year, new VEX Robotics competition games are unveiled at the VEX Robotics World Championships. Game videos are simultaneously released, in which the basic game rules are explained and game objects and scoring are defined. For many teams this is the highlight of the entire season! There is one thing the game leaves to your imagination… a theme. Entries for this online challenge will create and present a theme that ties the current game’s objects, scoring, and rules into an engaging and creative story.
Use your imagination to turn the current game (Pitching In for VEX IQ teams, and Tipping point for VRC & VEX U teams) into an immersive world where one team works against another, or against some obstacle. Tell us what the teams are trying to accomplish, who they are, and how the game objects tie into the narrative. Game and field objects should have names and purposes that relate to your theme, and play roles in the outcome of the story.