Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.



Entry ID #: 26
Created: Thu, Apr 9, 2009 2:33 AM

Terrain is played on a 12’ by 12’ field with a raised platform in the far corner. The purpose of the game is to move game objects into the trench of their alliance In each game there are 2 alliances that are made up with 2 robots each. Each robot may start anywhere in the alliance base, however they must be smaller than an 18” by 18” by 18” cube. Each game object in the trench is worth 2 points. Moving the bonus cube from the shelf to the alliance base is worth 10 points. If a robot is fully on the low platform in the center of the field at the end of the game, 5 points are awarded. If a robot is fully on he high platform in the corner of the field at the end of the game 10 points are awarded. Good Luck on the Terrain Created using Autodesk 3ds Max as well as Adobe Premiere Pro, Audacity, and Windows Movie Maker


There is nothing here.

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   mathwiz20 on 04/11/2009

The robots are awesome, nice job. I would love to play this game

   GoFoBroke on 04/11/2009

Cloud and Ball FTW!

   jfeord14 on 04/11/2009

epic fail

   GoFoBroke on 04/09/2009

I love your cloud bot. good luck!