Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Equal Opportunities in STEM | 2602B Bionic

Entry ID #: 11839
Created: Thu, Jan 12, 2023 11:18 PM

Hello! We are team 2602B Bionic from Hopkinetics Robotics. Our video details how our team has impacted well over 3,000 people through over 300 hours of community service. We hope you enjoy our video, and thank you for taking a look at our submission!


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Links / Videos

Welcome to Team 2602B Hopkinetics Bionic! With our mission to create equal opportunities for underrepresented groups, we developed a four-phase plan to aid marginalized people within our community. In phase one, we promoted and advocated for STEM opportunities that would be available to those in need of financial assistance. Although there are resources currently available to aid minorities, many people are not aware of them all. In phase two, we launched events that promoted inclusivity and equality within STEM education, aspiring for a diverse audience through our work. With our third phase, we worked to aid younger elementary school students, who are generally exposed to fewer STEM opportunities than older students in Hopkinton. Finally, our fourth phase aimed to bridge gender, ethnic, and economic divides that plague most if not all countries throughout the world. All of our efforts have allowed us to impact well over 3,000 people through over 300 hours of community service. In addition to the activities included in our video, we also worked to help build a shed within our robotics shop and promoted robotics at our school club fair. Currently, we are working to implement a technological drive in our community. Regardless of all of our previous work, we are continuing to aid our community through opportunities, projects, and initiatives to lessen the current obstacles that marginalized people face in STEM.