Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

VRC Middle School - Photography Challenge

Community voting for this challenge will open at 2pm Central time on February 9th. To place your vote, click on the "View Finalists" button under the "Entries" heading. View the entries using the links in the list of Finalists, and click on the thumbs-up icon on the page for your favorite entry to vote for it. Note that you must be logged into the system to place a vote.

Calling all VEX photographers! You know that math is crucial to robotics…but can you visualize it? For this challenge, take a photo that encapsulates the intersection between VEX Robotics and mathematics and share it with us. Math is everywhere, but it’s sometimes hard to find, so be creative!

Remember that mathematics is much more than numbers!

  • Geometrical shapes,

  • patterns or sequences,

  • formulas,

  • tessellations,

  • fractals,

  • and many other things!