Water Conservation - Wastewater
Entry ID #: 13662
Created: Wed, Jan 31, 2024 10:28 AM
My project is about wastewater. Wastewater is any water that has been used in homes, businesses, or industrialized processes. Many people drink this water, ending up with deadly illnesses. There are existing solutions to this, such as MFC's but we created our own as well, like recycling and composting. Once again, wastewater is a major problem in the world right now , and we are trying to spread awareness about it.
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My project is about wastewater. Wastewater is any water that has been used in homes, businesses, or industrialized processes. Many people drink this water, ending up with deadly illnesses. There are existing solutions to this, such as MFC's but we created our own as well, like recycling and composting. Once again, wastewater is a major problem in the world right now , and we are trying to spread awareness about it.