Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

VEXcode VR Skills Challenge - Middle School

Robots have long had a role in industrial and commercial applications. A key feature of their use is that they can be programmed to follow exact instructions using sensors to make decisions and correct for errors. VEXcode VR Skills lets students practice coding and test strategies using robots and sensors in a virtual environment. Students gain skills in coding autonomous robots that can be applied to coding their real competition robot.  

In this Online Challenge, you will explain and demonstrate your team’s VEXcode VR Skills program, and describe how using VEXcode VR Skills has improved your team's coding skills.

Visit this link for a printable summary of this challenge.


Grade Level Requirements
Elementary School Middle School High School College / University No Grade Level Restrictions
Program Requirements
VEX IQ Robotics Competition VEX V5 Robotics Competition


One (1) Winner: $500 VEX Robotics gift certificate; the winning VIQRC or VRC team will also receive an automatic qualification to the 2024 VEX World Championships.

Four (4) Finalists: $100 VEX Robotics gift certificate

Finalists and winners will be selected at each of the following grade levels, for a total of three (3) prize packages:

  • Elementary School

  • Middle School

  • High School


Teams must be part of a registered VEX Robotics team for the current season.

  • This page is for Middle School entries only - if you are any other program or grade level, please refer to the Online Challenge listings to find the correct page for your program and grade level.

  • Only one entry per team is permitted. However, each team in a multi-team school or club program may submit one entry. For example, teams 123A and 123B could each submit an entry, but team 123A could not submit two entries. Entries must vary in content and presentation to be considered separate entries. 

  • Entries submitted in previous years’ Online Challenges are not eligible for submission this year.

By uploading a submission to an REC Foundation Online Challenge, you agree to follow the Submission Guidelines and certify that you understand the Intellectual Property Rights held by you and the REC Foundation regarding your submission. Please review the Submission Guidelines and Intellectual Property Rights information at this link before uploading your submission.


Challenge Details

To be eligible, teams must:

  1. Compete in VR Skills and have your score post to the Virtual Skills Standing Leaderboard.

  2. Submit a PDF of your code with annotated comments useful to an outside viewer.

  3. Submit a video explaining your code and how VR skills improved your coding skills.

  4. Compete at a VEX Robotics Competition in the 2023 -2024 season with a physical robot.

Things to keep in mind for a successful submission:

  • Tell us how you used sensors effectively in your VR Skills code.

  • Describe how you used functions and variables in your code.

  • Use programming techniques and sensors in creative ways, and explain it to us.

  • Capture and present a full, uncut video or capture of your skills run in your video.

  • The points you score in VR Skills is not a factor in your submission; a high-quality entry may not necessarily have a high score, but will effectively explain and document how the code and sensors are utilized for an effective autonomous program.

Minimum Requirements

A submission must meet these minimum requirements in order to be judged.

  1. Entry is created and produced solely by student team members. It is acceptable for adults to help with the technical aspects of creating and submitting a video to YouTube, and adults are encouraged to assist in completing any task that would be difficult or inappropriate for students in their age group.

  2. Format: 

    • One link to a video file posted on YouTube, SchoolTube, Youku, or equivalent video-streaming platform. Links to Google Drive, Dropbox, or other storage locations are not acceptable and will not be reviewed.

    • One PDF file that includes annotated VR Skills code for the run used in the video, along with the title page described below.

  3. Size: 

    • Video: Up to three (3) minutes, including title, credits, and any other content.

    • PDF: Up to 20MB

  4. Credits:  Each video & PDF must include:

    • Title of submission

    • Names of students who participated (using first names only is acceptable)

    • Team number 

    • Location of team

  5. Music must be in the public domain.

Upload Instructions

Note: Beginning with the 2023-24 season, challenge entries must be uploaded by the primary contact for a registered team. This individual should ensure that the submission meets all requirements and criteria before uploading.

  1. Click the green Submit an Entry button on the right side of the screen.

  2. Fill out the submission form and add an optional description of the entry to the Short Description field.

  3. Ensure you are entering the correct team number and letter, with no spaces.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click the blue Links / Videos button in the upper right of the screen.

  6. Enter the URL, title, and description of the video.

  7. Click on Add Link.

  8. Click the blue Files /Images button in the upper right of the screen.

  9. Drag/drop your PDF file into the Upload a File box, then refresh if needed to view file details below the Upload a File box.

  10. Edit the Display Name and file information to include your entry title and your team number; for example, "VR Skills Challenge entry, team 007x."

  11. Click on Save to record your edits.

Judging Information

  • Up to 5 points for a submission that includes uncut footage of the team's VR Skills run along with narration that clearly explains the program.

  • Up to 5 points for narration that explains effective use of sensors and functions in the team's VR Skills program.

  • Up to 5 points for describing how using VR Skills has improved the student's or team's coding skills, including examples that tie to competition.

  • Up to 5 points for well-formatted code with comments that are useful to an outside viewer.

  • Up to 5 points for consistent, appropriate, and correct use of variables instead of hard-coded numbers.

  • Up to 5 points for appropriate and correct use of advanced programming structures such as conditional logic.

Deadline Information

Current time:
Tue, Feb 18, 2025 12:32 AM CST


Wed, Nov 1, 2023 12:00 AM CDT


Wed, Jan 31, 2024 4:00 PM CST