Bears 4131 Website
Entry ID #: 699
Created: Wed, Jan 2, 2013 6:05 PM
Bears is a group of STEM robotics teams based in Mexico. Our website was started in 2011, and we currently use Adobe Muse (HTML5) to develop it. The idea behind the website is for it to be informative, simple to navigate, and have an esthetic design. You will be able to find out information about us and our sponsors, our outreach projects, resources for other teams (programs, traduced manuals, etc), multimedia, among other contents. Additionally, we have made it available in both Spanish and English, plus it is completely viewable from any browser (mobile or desktop) without the need of installing any supplementary software like Adobe Flash. We believe we have managed to achieve our goals with the website, and are continuously updating it to have a state of the arch site.