Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

VEX Tournament Tips


Entry ID #: 781
Created: Fri, Jan 11, 2013 10:27 AM

This video is for anyone who is interested or curious about how a VEX Competition runs. From this you will learn about how to go throughout the competition as well as some tips on how to be an efficient and successful. Hope to see you at the competitions!


This is an overview of the concepts that are discussed in the video

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   user364483 on 01/11/2013

Hey guys! This video was AWESOME!!! I really enjoyed the smooth editing, the high quality video, and the music in the background was a really nice touch. I'm especially impressed at how clear the audio was, despite the background noise. (Which we all know is a pain) Just a small little thing I would suggest for next year, (it's just my opinion though) is not to be afraid to add in a little humor or quirkiness. Just a small gesture like a cute thumbs up would work in that regard. After all, an educational video is for people to learn, and WANT to learn. But this video was epic, and I really look forward to seeing what you guys come up with next year! Hopefully we'll see you guys in Worlds'! ^^