Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

what vex means to me


Entry ID #: 813
Created: Mon, Dec 24, 2012 8:18 PM

Vex is about teamwork, being a family. Vex has taught me a lot about not only being an engineer, but about being a leader and stepping up. This program means a lot to me because I learn how to become a better leader. I have learned how to become a leader because I am in control of the pit area during competition. The pit area is a big responsibility on my part because if anything bad happens it’s on me. I am okay with having that weight on my shoulders because I have been taught by my team how to be a good leader. I am very happy being in vex because it feels like I have a second family. Vex is also important to me because before I used to tell myself I would never be able to build or to be like an engineer, doing this tells me I can do the impossible. Now that I am in vex I know I can do anything I put my mind to. This program makes me a better sportsman and also makes me a better inventor and engineer. I plan on doing vex in high school, and in collage and move on to start my own team. Our robots have come to face new problems with our first elective team. 4073A and 4073B have only had a 2 year experience and this is a great team. Nobody can stop our team. I am Karleen Hults and vex is my life.

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