Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Vextreme Team 7012 - Promotional Video


Vextreme Team
Entry ID #: 38
Created: Wed, Apr 8, 2009 9:16 PM

Promotional video made by team 7012 members.


There is nothing here.

Links / Videos


   Vextreme Team on 04/11/2009

thank you all for the comments. We agree with Silv4r. VEX isn't just about winning championship, it's about getting experiencience of life, work in group, make real friends and the difference on the world. Okisorinkim, we didn't put photos of the new robot because we didn't want to ruin the surprise. ;D Keep commenting please. o/

   user8026 on 04/10/2009

Whoever wrexach is just leaves negative comments on all the vids. I think they should just be blocked or ommited. Your success speaks for itself, can't wait to meet you guys in Texas.