Team 2438 Promotional Video
Entry ID #: 39
Created: Wed, Apr 8, 2009 9:46 PM
This is team 2438's promotional video entry. I hope you enjoy it! This video is about our team's growth, and the VEX Robotics program
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GoFoBroke on 04/11/2009
I think that the animation fits because it gives people a chance to understand a Vex game, if the video makes them more interested. Its a little hard to get into robotics competitions if you have not idea of rules, or what its like. Nice Promo vid - good luckmathwiz20 on 04/11/2009
I figured I would explain the game a little for people not in VRC so they would understand how scoring is done. Notice that I didn't go in depth about "owning the goal" and things like that. Thanks for the comment though, I'll think about that the next time I make a videosmartkid on 04/11/2009
Very nice video! As a semi-professional video editor, this was well put together.