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Quarkity on 01/14/2014
Well met, Sarah, Team captain of 1680B, I'm glad you can recognize sometimes that materials can malfunction and break down. Being Team captain means being the Chief Engineer, the team will rely on you to create a master blueprint to work with. You are as equally as important as every member within the club. Keep getting the knowledge to move forward, keep working on the competitive part of the competition, I'm sure you'll really get your team to win something together as a Group. -QuarkityQuarkity on 01/14/2014
Sarah, Robotics has as many meanings behind it as a team of scientists and their roles have on their team... like your role with your team :) I can see that you can understand the 'fail/success' part of robotics and wish to be top notch with your team. (that's a great thing!) Keep up the learning process. -Quarkity.