Steel Nightmare
Entry ID #: 1213
Created: Wed, Oct 30, 2013 3:36 PM
We are part of the robotics club of our University. Our teams are multidisciplinary, we have colleague of Mechanics - Metal Engineering and Technology of Information and Communication Engineering. We complement our academic activities, with developing robots in our spare time.
Links / Videos
user820148 on 01/15/2014
The website is slow and confusing as well as terrible looking but does get the point across.Quarkity on 01/14/2014
Solo quiero decir que me gusta a tu pagina... el uso de FLASH en el empiezo ? Fantastico... Si lo veo en "Mundos" preguntarme para un Sprite o algo asi :D Felicidades de Virginia, USA. Oh and the Website? I loved it and gave you a 5/5 for originality.