Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

6135 Website


Entry ID #: 1248
Created: Mon, Jan 13, 2014 9:09 PM

Central Hardin High School’s CHHS Bruin Vex Robotics Team 6135 presents their Vex Robotics Team Website. The website is a combined effort of all the CHHS Bruin Teams to compile and update Team 6135 information to the public and peers. The websites purpose is a resource for the team and families. It is also Team 6135’s connection to the community and the World to promote Vex Robotics. Website design and layout was configured by senior team members Michael Riggs and Josh Newton.


There is nothing here.

Links / Videos


   Team.2177c on 01/31/2014

Overall, the site was nice, but on mobile it could be fixed a bit. Good job guys, and good luck!