Team 254 Website
Entry ID #: 1262
Created: Tue, Jan 14, 2014 12:13 AM
This is the website for Team 254: The Cheesy Poofs.
Links / Videos
Jij on 01/17/2014
You guys have an awesome website, got a little confused when looking for the "News" page (turns out you call it "Blog" and have it at the end of the menu), but some things about your wbesite are great! Especially your 404 page ( on 01/14/2014
Cheesy Poofs, the design on the page is great, it leaves lots of recognition towards the # of team members AND gives recognition to being in the Bay Area (I like that). You've got lots of experience under your belts, and that really makes you a great contender for this year as well. Good luck out there ! (A+)